【加拿大技術移民】 另一出路 魁北克省技術移民 分高者得
Canada Quebec Skilled migration- policy reform

【加拿大技術移民】 另一出路 魁北克省技術移民 分高者得



自2015 年1 月開始,加拿大技術移民由寬鬆的移民制度,改制行快速通道 (Express Entry)。在計分方面,申請者在29 歲之後,每年每大一歲,就會被減5 分!申請者要達到一定分數,才有機會被邀請申請加拿大永久居民身份。

Ido immigration Canada express entry 440

【加拿大技術移民 2018】快速移民通道 讓港人移民加國數量急增6 倍

魁北克省技術移民 加拿大技術移民另一出路

以往每年總有一天,所有同事都要留堂至零晨2-3 點,為的就是要「搶」加拿大魁省技術移民配額, 先到先得。但因每年只有約1300 個配額由全球去分,很多個案都要等完一年又一年都未可成功取得配額。


魁省技術移民將以類似快速通道(express entry) 的方法運行。即以計分為準,而分高者得。每份申請有效期為12 個月,如12 個月後都未被揀選,則要重新遞交申請。



According to Canada immigration news, Quebec announces Express Entry-style economic immigration intake system.

That is the the first-come, first-served application process for the QSWP in the past will be replaced by The point based Expression of Interest system.

This first step for interested applicant will be submitting an Expression of Interest. The profile submitted will be valid for 12 months. Then the candidate would receive another score based on a ranking system that determines their position in the pool.

More details such as the point system and the exact start date will be announced soon.

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