突發:掂解多左甘多人申請加拿大移民? 原來係甘……
canada immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen announced new policies

突發:掂解多左甘多人申請加拿大移民? 原來係甘……

Source: Toronto Star News, Toronto University
Date: 16.4.2018


香港人口老化,醫療負擔大,即使政府有提供醫療福利,也怕真有需要時,連床位也不夠。所以港人總是看準機會出擊。在2018 年4月16 日,加拿大移民部部長Ahmed Hussen 宣布新的移民條例,放寬對移民加拿大申請者的健康狀況要求,一些需要長期接受藥物治療或身/心上有殘障的申請者,或可在新的移民條例下,取得加拿大居留身分。這讓港人移民加拿大的機會大大提升,享受全面的醫療保障。

加拿大是一個共融、歡迎移民的國家。繼早前加拿大移民局公布2018-2020 100 萬移民目標,移民部配合移民目標作出的第一個政策就是更改加高「醫療負擔可承受金額」,更多申請者將因此獲得移民加拿大資格。

加拿大在舊政策下,需長期食藥或治療的申請者,其所需的醫療開支不得多於CAD$6,655 一年,但在新政策下,醫療開支的可承受門檻加高了三倍,即只要每年醫療支出不多於CAD$19,965 都有機會獲得批核。該政策將於2018 年6月1日正式實施。

On Monday, Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen announced new policies that will allow more people with disabilities and illnesses to be granted immigration status.

The Immigration Act will be amended to decrease the number of people found medically inadmissible to Canada. Under the current regime, immigration applicants whose annual medical costs would exceed $6,655 — the average annual cost for a Canadian — are considered too expensive.

The changes, which triple the threshold, to $19,965, come into effect on June 1.

In Ottawa, Hussen said that “the changes we are announcing today are a major step forward in ensuring our immigration system is more inclusive of persons with disabilities, and reflect the values of Canadians.”

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